Mummies don’t need makeovers – but they do need to take ‘me-time’ to get back to feeling and looking like their true selves.
We all marvel at the human body, how it adjusts and grows to carry a baby. We all appreciate the monumental physical change that a woman goes through during this time. And interestingly, in recent years, there has also been greater discussion directed at the mental load that women sustain during pregnancy and their ongoing post-natal experience. At KAZEM AESTHETICA, our approach is focussed initially on the latter: getting you back to feeling like yourself as soon as possible.
You’ve just given birth.
You are experiencing a monumental shift in your life.
The emphasis is not on the immediate physical ‘bounce back’ – but we do appreciate your need to return to a version of you.
As always with our initial consultations with new mother’s seeking our expertise and advice, we like to deep dive on the reasons behind your interest in addressing post-birth changes. Perhaps you’re agonising over sagging breasts, a soft tummy, excess skin, or unwanted stretch marks – on top of the mental demands you are experiencing as a new mother.
“Reclaiming self-confidence is the most important concern I address with my plastic surgery and aesthetics work,” says founder and surgeon, Dr. Farid Kazem. “With mothers particularly, there is often a guilt that they are investing in themselves, so we work on showing them that they can only nurture and look after their families, if they have first cared for themselves.”
At KAZEM AESTHETICA, we have a range of treatments and surgeries to help improve your self-esteem and overall wellbeing, such as:
Tummy tuck
An abdominoplasty is a permanent surgical treatment designed to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal area.
The scars are hidden under the bikini line and any stretch marks that are in the skin tissue are also removed. After the operation, you will be given a firm elastic band to offer support to your mid-section during recovery.
You can resume many of your ‘duties’ but to ensure proper healing, you should avoid lifting your child/children for up to six weeks post op’.
Breast augmentation
This procedure may include a full breast implant to restore lost volume or a more simple lift to offset dropping and sagging affected by breast feeding and return to a perkier yet natural shape.
There is a myth that you will be unable to breastfeed after surgery, but implants are fitted to avoid interference with the ducts or mammary glands and, although glandular tissue is removed during a reduction, in most cases enough tissue is left to enable milk production. Naturally, all cases are different, but you and Dr. Kazem will be able to discuss all possible options and outcomes during your treatment plan.
Vaginal rejuvenation
Our in-house aesthetics gynaecologist, Dr. Katia Borzenko is available to discuss vaginoplasty or vaginal tightening surgery. By eliminating the loose tissues or tightening the excessive laxity of the vagina, which commonly occurs after childbirth, Dr. Borzenko can restore your most intimate area.
“The myth I particularly wish to dispel [around aesthetic gynaecology] is that after the birth of a child, with age or with menopause, the quality of a woman’s life should change,” comments Dr. Borzenko.
“Historically, women have simply accepted these symptoms and changes. The truth is that at any stage in her life, a woman should feel beautiful, attractive, sexy, and healthy!”
The all-encompassing treatment plan, SensiSlim proves very popular for women who want to lose the ‘baby weight’, tone, tighten, and reshape their bodies after pregnancy.
Our non-invasive body ‘renovation’ consists of dealing with your mindset around weight loss, the use of an ingested balloon (Elipse) which provides a ‘full’ feeling, and CoolSculpting, EmSculpt, and NuEra Tight treatments. The program is fully bespoke so you may not require each step – and this is what you will discuss during your consultation with Dr. Kazem. You will lose 10-15lbs; the treatments will sculpt the fresh contours of your body; your skin will be significantly and noticeably tighter and smoother. It is a full body transformation – a transformation into your next stage of life as a mother, as a woman, as you.
Have further questions on surgical procedures?
Interested in hearing more about our state-of-the-art methods?
Contact the KAZEM AESTHETICA team today.